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Studio Mask Policy 2021

  • A mask must be worn at all times upon entering, exiting and moving throughout the studio.

  • All fully vaccinated individuals will have the option to remove their mask once on the yoga mat.

  • Those who are not fully vaccinated will still be required to wear a mask in the studio at all times.

  • Pranayama Breathing, Sit-Ups and Kapalbhati Breathing will continue to be done with "Quiet Nose Breathing" mouth closed.

  • Teachers will wear a mask while working the desk and teaching in the yoga room.

Covid Protocols will remain in effect - i.e. pre-registration online, limited spacing 6" apart in the yoga room, hand sanitizer stations, disinfecting between classes, social distancing, no showers.

Al always, we appreciate your cooperation and support in our sacred space.
